Home Savings: Energy Savings in Winter
In Texas, we don’t often worry about energy savings in the winter months. Usually it’s in summer when air conditioners are freshly recharged and are being run through their paces that we wish we’d been a little more aware of our energy usage. But, while Texas isn’t about to see a polar vortex anytime soon, there are certainly ways to maximize home efficiencies and keep some of that allotted utility money in our pockets
Proper Energy Efficient Construction is A Great First Step
To learn more about green construction, see our expert builder pages below:
David Weekley Homes Energy Saver Homes
Scott Felder Home Energy Rating System (HERS)
Get the Most Out of Technology
Every year, home technologies improve giving homeowners more control over their houses–including how they use energy. With modern wireless technology, residents of new homes can do everything from turn down their heat and lights to run their dishwasher from their smartphone. When you can maximize your energy efficiencies from your pocket, all that’s left is to make a plan.
To learn more about Smart Home Technology. See our expert builder page below:
More Best Practices
Who better to ask about saving energy than the people who monitor its usage? Did you know you can save 4-6% of your energy costs by lowering your thermostat one degree in winter? It’s tips and tricks like these that can help move your energy bill in the right direction. For more ways to save on your energy bill visit: GVEC – Energy Efficiency Tips